Sunday, October 3, 2010

My Sassy Girl

Shanelle and Brendon are big movie fans. They have a huge collection, and for the most part they are mainstream movies from back home. Shanelle is also very much into chick flicks, and always rents a few movies a week when a local store has a special rent five for a dollar deal.

So last week she rented a few and asked what Brendon and I would like to watch. We said we were indifferent (something my mom always gets frustrated with when I say..."No, pick something"), which was the wrong decision. Shanelle picked, and she chose the movie My Sassy Girl.

It is, without a doubt, the worst chick flick I have ever seen. I've been dragged to the movies as an awkward third wheel, been forced to watch crap with girls because they've "had a terrible day and I just want some company to watch this movie." But this one takes the cake.

You want to punch the female lead after about two scenes, and by midway through the film you want to plant dynamite in her mouth. The plot is so out of control with such an implausible ending it makes things that much worse. And the little things are off too. Case in point: there is a scene in New York City supposed to be taking place in January, but there is no snow, fall leaves on the ground, and trees are blooming spring flowers. That's basically all the seasons in one shot. Horrible.

So, lesson learned here: when the host mom, who admits to loving cheesy chick flicks, asks what you want to watch, pick anything not named My Sassy Girl. Ugh, I'm upset even thinking about it. Maybe I'll go burn every copy like the Pentagon burnt every copy of that recently published war book.

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