Friday, October 8, 2010

Special Police Training

New Zealand is hosting the world cup of rugby next year, and it's the biggest event the country has ever held. With the world cup comes a need for increased security and proper training for the proper authorities.

To help some local cops with their training the academy volunteered the boys or a morning. We were supposed to act as a rowdy crowd, a belligerent and obnoxious group. We were told to try and get through an open part of the fencing around the stadium for the first part, and then to try and resist the cops during the second part while in an open field.

But these cops were just going through the motions. They had helmets and shields, and they warned us that if we got too rough they wouldn't hold back in using their batons and had no qualms with inflicting injury. I seemed slightly hesitant until we were told the following: we would be supplies with bottles and cans to throw at the cops. They WANTED us to throw stuff at them. They needed the preparation.

I couldn't say no to that opportunity. When can someone say they got to throw stuff at cops without fear of being arrested? Almost never. Like me the other boys saw how awesome this chance was so we all went all out. We filled up the bottles with water and when we rounded the corner to get through the fence we chucked everything as hard as possible. I got a cop on the leg pretty solidly. Hitting a cop with a heavy bottle and seeing them buckle slightly is oddly satisfying.

There were times when we even stole a couple of batons, which their boss had told us before "if you guys do that, I'm gonna rip them a new one." We ended up stealing five, and the look on one cop's face when we took it from him was like he had just soiled himself. Priceless. But kids don't try this at home, unless you feel like getting a rap sheet.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to know that the police are doing extra training in order to keep the ball game safe. I'm sure that a lot of fans will be going to cheer their respected team and riot is inevitable.
