Thursday, October 7, 2010

We've got cable!

Last week my host family decided to upgrade from the free basic channels to sky tv, the local version of digital cable. It's a big deal.

The girls now won't watch movies all day, they can watch Disney, Disney playhouse, animal planet, and even nickelodeon. It's great for everyone else too because now there's new programming every twenty minutes to occupy the kids instead of watching the same movie three times in one day. Better yet there's "my sky," which is basically TiVo, so we can record anything too.

Of course, I'm pumped because sky tv also cones with ESPN. It's not just live ESPN from home but an international feed from Australia. But it does include live Sportcenters from Bristol and PTI, my favorite show. I hadn't seen an episode in five months. And ESPN even broadcasts the Sunday night football games. This way I can watch the Redskins get clobbered by the Colts in a few weeks.

There are, however, the problems of being sucked in by the tv. Shanelle and Brendon have definitely had to repeat themselves to the kids and each other because someone is so keyed in on what's on tv. Some dirty looks have been thrown along with some frustrating ahems. But I'm just happy to have my ESPN, no complaining from me.

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