Wednesday, October 6, 2010

My new nickname

My new nickname

I like nicknames. They're fun. I've had the same once since 4th grade, but the boys at the academy recently came up with one I never expected.

One morning a couple weeks ago before a group meeting we had a few moments so one of the coaches said "Ok guys since we've got some time let's work on out vocabulary." Apparently from time to time they'll just throw out words to expand their knowledge. The boy in front of me turned and said "What was that long and confusing one someone mentioned earlier? You know?" I paused for a moment and said, "You mean audacity?" "Yeah! That one!"

So he raised his hand and shouted it out. No surprise the coach asked if anyone knew. No surprise again, I was the only one that knew. I explained, everyone nodded, and we were asked for more words. I thought what the heck, I'll just start naming WOW words (words of the week) from 8th grade English.

I suddenly became the star. I knew all these "weird" and "random" words these guys thought were hilarious. I was the only one that knew their meanings. I felt like the smartest English student in class, ironic since my friends from home can attest that I do not have the world's biggest vocabulary and am a horrific speller. Nevertheless I threw out words like pique, ominous, and atrocious. Soon I scaled back a bit realizing I could use something more common place like intrusive or vex.

By the last few words when they all still had no idea of the meanings, boys began to say "Just ask dictionary over here." Even the next morning, when I was explaining rigidity during a core workout, one guy called me "dictionary boy."

So now I am referee to as dictionary. Simple and short, I'm not the one with the expansive vocab who knows all these words. I can only laugh at how ironic it seems to me given my past, and my high school friends will particularly smile reading this post. Cullen, you still have that list?

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