Thursday, May 27, 2010

Why I will never lost weight in Australia

So I realized that the blog has become a little too much "I did this, I did that." So I will try and lighten the mood sometimes and post some random things. Also, it's been a while, so there will be a lot of updates coming in the next week. Just think of it as more ways to pass the time at work.

So......ahh, well, right before I left on my journey lots of people were saying that I was going to come back in great shape, be super fit, and just have a good 'ole time. Normally I would agree. On my past few trips to Europe I've lost weight because it seems I've eaten slightly better (maybe not), but mainly because I've been walking around a lot more.

Well that theory seemed true my first week or so here. And then I discovered Tim Tams. Tim Tams are God's latest version of the forbidden fruit, but in cookie form. They are crispy little wafer-like cookies that come in regular chocolate, dark chocolate, vanilla, caramel, mint, and I'm sure other flavors. You can see their packaging here:

I've tried the first four flavors I listed. They come with 11 or 9 in a box, and since I have no one to share them with, I usually eat them all myself in a day or so (read: an hour). They're addictive, and I curse the Irish guy who told me about them. Everything here is also listed in kilojewels, so it took me a while to figure out how bad they are for me (about 95 calories per cookie).

Finally, there is something called the grand slam that I have yet to try. Apparently you're supposed to bite off opposite corners of the cookie, then, while drinking something warm and preferably chocolate, sip up the liquid like the cookie is a straw. Then, sit back, pop the cookie in your mouth, and enjoy it melting in your mouth. Mmmmmm, can't wait.

1 comment:

  1. ummmm you might want to change the title, you grammatical tard
