Sunday, May 30, 2010

LOST, and other adventures

Before I get to a personal little rant against the LOST finale, I'll update everyone on a couple of cool things I did this weekend.

First, yesterday I went whitewater rafting. I hadn't done anything of the sort in about ten years, and it was simply a blast! We were in the water for about four hours overall, going through all sorts of waters and rocks and rapids up to class 4. I sat at the front of the boat, and I ended up being the only person on the entire trip (about 30 people from my bus) that fell out. I just slipped out of the boat at one point, got my head sandwiched when another boat came through the rapid, and then just hopped in the boat. It was totally worth it. We got to swim through some light rapids as well, and at the end got to jump into the waters off a rock 40 feet or so above the water.

Second, this morning I went skydiving! I did it last year with Kris in California, and I couldn't wait to do it again (turns out I had to wait just over a year to the day). Back home you can go up to 18,00ft, but down here the highest is 14k. Still had an amazing time. Without doing all the video and pictures and such I was able to have some more free time doing flips and spins and turns and all that crazy stuff while in the air. We skydived (skydove?) right over the ocean and had incredible views of all the small islands off the coast and the surf coming up onto the beach. I even got to control the parachute for a bit. We landed right on the beach, swooping in from above the ocean just 100ft before landing. Can't wait to do it again.

Ok, now for LOST. Warning: if for some reason you still have no seen the finale (despite being able to TiVo it or watch it legally on any one of a gazillion internet sights that I cannot access outside of the states) or do not wish to hear what happened, do not read on.

For those reading on....really? Really lost producers (this would be a Really?! session with Seth and Amy from SNL if it were up to me)? I got hooked onto the show after the end of season two and went back to watch the whole first couple of seasons in about three days. I was excited to see where the plot was going and how it all tied together. The producers claimed the show was about the characters, but everyone figured that they would connect everything back together and describe to us why so many things were important.

Nope, we were wrong. The producers failed, miserably. One of the (few) things that I remember from an english class senior year in high school was to never make your story have a beer truck ended. My teacher, Mr. Lester, explained to us that a friend of his once wrote a story and didn't know how to finish it, so he had all the characters killed by being hit by a beer truck. Never do that he said. So what did LOST do? They had all the characters dead. That was the secret. The entire time they were dead, and this stupid flash sideways crap was their "before heaven meeting place." Pathetic. They didn't answer any of the gazillion questions people had (which is ok in some respect because it is their show so it's their choice), but what bugs me is that for years they made a point of certain plots being essential to the island's and show's role. Then they just go an never get back to a certain issue. They just figured hey, if we don't ever discuss the issue again it'll go away. No LOST producers, it just makes everyone hate your show.

I gave up on this show a couple of years ago because I knew they were always creating to many questions, but I followed along out of curiosity to see where it ended (with Jack lying next to a dog, man's best friend, where his father--his supposed best friend--was in the fake heaven....reallllll clever). I was disappointed beyond belief. Sad, boring, and just bad.

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