Thursday, May 13, 2010

The Oz Experience Bus Tour

So, it has been a week since I started this bus tour thing, and when it began I had no idea what to expect. I knew it was this bus that was going to take me way up north, but I wasn't sure about all the little things and wasn't sure how it was going to work out. Luckily for me, this experience has been pretty good so far.

For those who have no idea what this thing is (which is probably all of you), it's basically a cheap and easy way to travel all the way up and down the east coast of Australia. You can start in any of the cities they pass through--most people start in Sydney if they are traveling north--and you hop on and hop off the bus as you like. There are about 18 stops all the way up the coast, and once you have paid for the pass there is no limit as to how many stops you want to make. The passes are good for 6 months, so you can take your sweet time if you like.

I started out in Byron Bay last weekend, and ended up staying for an extra night because the bus I wanted to take was full. No worries, I just went online and changed my schedule, just like that. It's really that easy. Better yet, my extra day in Byron Bay let me wander on the beach to a lookout I didn't see the day before and at the top I could see dolphins surfing with the human surfers. Dolphins can definitely do better tricks in the waves.

I then made my way up to Surfers Paradise (actually the name of the city). I'll save everyone a trip there: it is EXACTLY like West Palm Beach. A long stretch of beach, with lots of tall hotels and apartments for old people, and canal ways with tours. I felt like I had gone down to visit my Grandfather in Florida. The one cool part about that city was the Q1 Tower. Erected just five years ago, it's the tallest residential building in the southern hemisphere and is the 20th tallest building in the world. 77 stories high to the viewing level. Amazing views.

(Side note: I will post those great photos along with others I have gathered after the weekend. I'll explain below).

Next came Brisbane, the third largest city in all of Australia. I stayed in a great hostel, and there is tons to do in this city. They have a great outdoor mall with tons of places to eat and shop, a giant ferris wheel like the London Eye (which, when I went on, I was the only person in it; seriously, just me for 12 minutes on this giant wheel), and even a Museum of Modern Art that had works by Picasso, Matisse, Rodin, and others. I ate some really good food, got to wander around a lot, and just enjoy the city.

Last night I stopped in a town called Noosa, aka Sunshine Beach, which is basically a small upper class town for older people taking holidays. Nothing too special, but it was worth the trip because there was the most incredible view of the stars and the milky way. Now I'm at Rainbow Beach where tomorrow I will be taking a tour of Fraser Island, the world's biggest sand island. Google it, it's incredible. I'm taking a three day/two night guided camping tour, which should be a blast. Clearly I won't have internet access over the weekend (and the hostel I am in now doesn't have wireless and only crappy, slow PCs), so I will send out another update in a few days and will post some pictures then.

And as a little preview, my plans for the rest of this Oz Experience include making my way up to see the Whitsundays (google them too, more amazing than Fraser Island), whitewater rafting and skydiving in Mission Beach (mom, I promise not to die and I;; call you after to let you know I'm ok), and learning how to scuba dive in Cairns and diving along the Great Barrier Reef...even though my mom said I shouldn't (sorry mom, I promise I'm not out to worry you to death during this trip).

Ok, clearly this update was long enough, but a week has gone by so I wanted to catch everyone up while I had a moment. Again, I'll send out another update when I get back from Fraser and will upload a bunch of pictures then. Have a great weekend everyone!

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