Monday, January 17, 2011

Tortillas and beans

So everyone said to me before I left that I better get ready to eat a lot of beans. All they have is rice and beans, beans and rice, and leftovers. I heard it left and right. For the most part my friends were correct, but they definitely forgot about the tortillas.

We do have beans at about every meal. Black beans. Gross. Most of the volunteers said when I arrived that I´ll have to eat them eventually or I will starve. Well I´ve managed to not eat them so far and I´m definitely doing fine. In fact I´m doing more than fine, I might have even put on a pound or two. The reason is that I love eating tortillas. We had pasta one of the first meals after I arrived and one of the volunteers was eating tortillas filled with pasta. Seemed obsurd, but now I do it all the time. Eating is just more fun with tortillas. And the hot sauce they sell here and it´s awesome. I eat about 10 tortillas a day, it´s bad. But pasta with tortillas is not only tasty but fun.

The food in general is pretty good. Fresh fruit most days, pasta, lots of rice and chicken, and we even get pancakes sometimes. Banana pancakes. So tasty. And we have honey instead of syrup. I suggest everyone tries that idea.

But besides the food things are alright here in Guatemala. We´ve unfortunately had a couple of birds die this week due to various reasons, and I´ve been peed and crapped on by the baby monkey Milo. Oh well.

Oh, and this weekend I am heading to the ruins at Tekal. Should be a fun journey and I will definitely update everyone on the trip next Monday after I return.

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