Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The Polo Match

So while in BA my dad got tickets for a polo match. Just something he thought would be fun. We thought it was going to just be another match. Turns out it was the grand final of the year, their Super Bowl. Ok then, lucky us.

I knew the basic rules of polo, but nothing special. I had no idea the field was 300 years long, and most of the times there was a foul I had no idea what was going on. But the match was incredibly entertaining. (By the way, this all took place the day after the match was originally scheduled to take place because the first day it poured rain starting five minutes into the match, the forecast called for that, and they tried to get it in anyway).

I learned shortly thereafter that there are approximately nine 10 handicap players in the world. Seven of those players were in this match. Insane. These guys so fast on the horses that I would be scared just to ride that fast let alone swing at a ball on the ground or ride in front of said ball when it is traveling 40 mph towards you as you try and block the shot.

Even more, it was an incredible match. These two teams had played each other in the final 3 our of the previous 5 years. They had gone to overtime before, and this match was going back and forth. There were little kids going nuts in front of us, and there was tension in the air. Blah blah blah, but the match was great, it really was. The underdog team, Ellestina, took the match. People stormed the field like it was a 1920s baseball game. In the end I had gone to one polo match, a match some locals called on of the greatest matches they had ever seen.

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