Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Happy New Year

I'm alive! Happy New Year everyone. It was a crazy holiday season and I've fallen behind on my posts. But now I have caught up and updated the posts in reverse order so you readers can just work your way down the page instead of trying to figure things out backwards. Enjoy.

I am also in Guatemala now. I was supposed to head up to the animal work site today, but because some major snafu my name was not on the volunteer list and I had to spend another day in Guatemala City. But the family that owns the Bed and Breakfast here is incredible. The father is American and now lives here, they have two adorable children, and I had a great day hanging out with them all. Things could definitely have been worse. But tomorrow I have a 6:30am flight to Flores and hopefully my work with the animals will begin soon enough. Internet will probably be scarce, but I will update y'all as soon as I can.

Oh, and of course, go Stanford football!!!

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