One word to describe my host family: awesome. I absolutely love them and could not have been luckier with getting a better situation. Brendon and Shanelle McCashin are only 27 years old each. They met ten years ago and now have been married for five years. They also have three adorable children: Jasmine, Ella, and Isabel. They are only 3, 2, and 1 years old, respectively. That family photo there is almost a year old, so I've also supplied a recent photo of Isabel to show how much she has grown up.
Brendon was in the navy for four years before becoming an electrician, which has been his occupation for almost six years now. Shanelle used to do IT work, but now she is a stay at home mom and also does lots of babysitting for other kids around the age of her own. Very convenient.
I thought I would have plenty of down time while staying with them, to do some reading and study Spanish before I get to Peru. However, I find all my free time spent playing with these three girls. They're just the best, no other way to put it. I've especially taken to Isabel. Shanelle refers to me as Isabel's beat friend, and I spoil her by picking her up any time she puts her arms in the air to ask. I can't help it, she's too cute. She also just learned to walk a couple of weeks ago, and I was there for her first few steps.
The girls love to watch movies, and I've had a chance to catch up on some Disney classics. I've also seen the Tinkerbell movies about three times each (there are three of them). It's amazing how these kids can watch a movie and then go "Again! Again!" right when the ending credits come up.
As for typical days around the house. I have my own room (I'm the only boy staying with them at the moment) but I spend almost all of my time in the kitchen/family area with the family. They make dinner for me each night, and have been more than accommodating. I really couldn't have asked for a better situation. I really do feel like a part of the family, something I never thought would happen and I couldn't be happier about it. We've celebrates Isabel's first birthday together, gone to the family's beach house for the weekend, and stayed up late talking family, life, and other things I never imagined discussing with people who were complete strangers not even a month ago. It's just fantastic. I'm already sad I'm not staying with them longer, but it's just another great excuse to come back and visit sooner rather than later.
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