Saturday, February 26, 2011

Change of plans

So at this moment I am back in a hostel in Alajuela, near San Jose, Costa Rica. For months I had planned on staying in CR for another six weeks at this point to work with a sea turtle conservation project. But those plans have changed.

From the moment I left Guatemala I felt saddened--to be quite honest--that I was leaving such a fantastic program like ARCAS. I never felt like I had contributed so strongly to a cause that I could really see the good work happening. I really didn't want to leave, but I had already made other plans. Well now I've spent time with the sloths and had a blast, but I'm heading back to Guatemala to work at ARCAS again. Sorry sea turtles.

There are plenty of turtles at ARCAS, so I know I'll be helping turtles in another part of the world. But the people there and the animals have been calling me back ever since I left. So I'm off to Guatemala again in the morning and will be back to helping los animales de ARCAS for another six weeks before my adventures end and I head back home. The first four weeks I spent there were four of the greatest weeks of my entire year, so I can't wait to spend another six (and final) weeks of my travels at ARCAS.

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