Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Chippie sandwiches.

We've been meaning to have a picnics with the girls lately, and finally we decided to just have it inside instead of waiting for a perfect afternoon on ye weekend. Our "picnic" consisted of snack food mostly, including some chippies.

If you didn't know or remember, chippies are french fries. They're also chips or hot chips, but chippies for little kids I guess. But for this picnic Shanelle and Brendon insisted that I try a chippie sandwich. And yes, it's absurd as it sounds.

You begin with a simple piece of white bread. For extra artery clogging you can smother it in butter. Then simply place a few chippies on the bread. Add ketchup if that's your thing, and fold the bread over and you're done!

It tasted about as I expected. It's fries with ketchup, just with a some bread outside. It's good, just completely unnecessary. But the kids love it, and if you're ever in the mood to try something new and take a year or two off your life then I say go for it.

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