Wednesday, June 16, 2010

World Cup Fever

If you read this blog you know how obsessed I am when it comes to sports. So when the biggest sporting event in the world takes place, I'm possibly even more obsessed than I usually am with typical sporting events.

The only issue that has come up is a big one: timing. While back home the games are usually on around 7 or 8 in the morning until later in the afternoon, here the games start at 9:30pm, 12:00am, and 4am. It's not the most convenient block of times, but it's worth losing a little bit of sleep over for the next few weeks.

The best part so far was the first game for the U.S. My friend who is volunteering with me and staying at the same hostel is from England, so we both got up early for our first game and I continued to make jokes about how bad her goalie was when he allowed in that joke of a goal (personally, I think he'd make a great matador). Wake up calls are always at 6am, so usually I have to be in bed by the start of the second game, but if I'm lucky I'll catch the last 10-15mins of the late-late game.

The only sad part so far has been Australia. They lost 4-0, and their best player got a red card. But to be honest, people here would rather watch rugby. I, however, and pumped for our next game in a couple days. It's on at midnight here, and I'll be enjoying each moment knowing it's one less moment of sleep. But hopefully it'll all be worth it.

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