Thursday, June 10, 2010

The End of the Oz Experience

Now that I have arrived in Townsville again for the next program during my travels, I thought I'd take a quick moment to review what I just went through over the past three and a half weeks.

I started all the way down in Gerroa, two hours south of Sydney. I made my way all the way up the coast to Cairns, the equivalent of driving from London to Moscow and basically another road trip like the one I did with Liz back home in the fall (except far too little mini-golf and no trips to Dairy I really want a blizzard).

I've walked miles along beaches, seen dolphins, kangaroos, and cassowaries, met people from about a dozen different countries, slept above the bars at hostels, wanted to soon thereafter leave said hostel; I've sat on buses for hours at a time, seen some of the back roads and had a chance to take part in the real rural Australia. I've done touristy things and sat by myself for hours just reading a good book. I've eaten way too much and terribly unhealthy things as well, but I'm glad I've had the chance to taste everything this country has to offer (except for the Vegemite, I could have gone without that nasty stuff). I've gone rafting, jumped out of a plane at 14,000ft and submerged myself 90ft under water while scuba diving the most incredible reef in the world.

At many times I've made a fool of myself and/or been that American guy, but all of those things come along with the journey. I've taken a gazillion photos and written down copious amounts of notes. But most importantly for me and best of all, I've had the time of my life, enjoyed just about every minute of it, and hope to one day have another chance to come back and do it all over again.

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