Friday, April 30, 2010

Why Not: A London Update

Either I'm a little too excited about writing blogs posts at the beginning, or I've simply got two hours to kill before my next flight and I'd rather not sit and do nothing.

So I arrived in London a short while ago, went through the whole customs thing, and then proceeded to pick up my bag and then check in again right away. This picture is the entirety of London that I saw during my trip, for about 30 seconds.

I also like the security at Heathrow: I don't have to take off my massive boots, my plastic belt does not go off in the metal detector, and they manage to keep things quick.

Also, I can now recommend Virgin Atlantic. Despite the four year old kid next to me who thought my arm was fair game for a pillow, it was a great flight. They even give you socks and a toothbrush/paste! Gotta love the Brits.

So now I'm off to kill some time, grab a bite to eat, and wait to board my flight to Singapore on the way to Sydney Saturday night!

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