Sunday, July 4, 2010

Why don't we have these?

So on the way to a BBQ the other night some people needed to stop and buy some beer. I figured we were going to stop at one of the liquor stores near the super market or something. However, we continued to drive down the highway for a bit until we came to a......wait for liquor store!!! We literally drove up, a guy came out and asked what we wanted, and then he handed us the drinks (which, by the way, were pre-mixed drinks they have here in Australia; I'm talking like Jack Daniels pre-mixed Jack and Coke drinks in a can, pretty clever). But it was that quick, in and out, took about one minute. Imagine you're on your way to a party and you can stop and by something without even getting out of your car. Maybe I should start a chain of these back home and make a business out of it.

1 comment:

  1. i hate to burst your bubble... but they exist already in the US. NC has brew-thrus

