Monday, April 4, 2011

Who'd a thunk it?

Anyone who knows me understands how obsessed I am with sports. Sports 24/7, all the time, day and night. Lord knows how much sleep I've lost over the years and how many points I've lost on tests because I was too busy watching something. And above all I love college basketball. It's my favorite of all the sports. However, because I was halfway around the world and in third world countries, I had watched zero basketball all season. Besides being just plain sad, I was frustrated because I had no idea what was happening. March madness is my favorite time of year for the sports calendar, and I felt hopeless about what was happening.

Then came Captain Tortugas. This restaurant in Flores is expensive compared to others and the service is meh at best. But they have a 42 inch flatscreen television with HD. And with that tv comes ESPN international and feeds for college basketball games. I've watched more basketball here in Flores, Guatemala than I had all year when my host family in New Zealand had cable and I was home for a week. And tonight I get to watch the national title game. Go Butler! Couldn't be more excited and surprised it's happening, but as happy as can be.